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Meet Melissa

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Sanse Espiritista Brujeria

Melissa Suze is the psychic medium, bruja, writer, advocate and content marketer behind FloodWitch, Temperance Home and Bar Botanica and Temperance Consulting & Media, LLC. She self-IDs as Criollo Latine, and is a spoonie Sanse espiritista and astral hedgewitch, with a penchant for foraging and a black thumb turned green. She practices out of Florida where she lives with her husband and daughter. 

Suze uses her unique perspective to advocate fiercely for others. The goal of FloodWitch is an outlet to raise marginalized voices in the craft. Whether working in media advocacy, performing spiritual services and consulting for clients or performing feats of content marketing, Melissa Suze infuses magic in everything she does.

Stay tuned for The Witches Left. The upcoming book release by Melissa Suze and KJ Edwards.


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